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(1 edit)

interesting game but its not well explained. i think having the first item be an "all of the above" so that the player knows what emissions and radio frequencies look like right off the bat so they know for the future (the two factors that are never really explained well). plus the game needs some bug fixes, got soft-locked twice due to the hook not progressing. interesting idea though. also having only a certain amount of report papers is a bad idea when all it takes is a miss-click and you hit the stamp or input the wrong number onto the page and now you've failed that inspection.

(2 edits)

Pretty interesting game but some things are not entirely clear. What do you mean with emissions on the form for example?
Also there is a bug on day 3 after the second item: no matter if you keep it or throw it away if you send the hook down afterwards it never comes back up again essentially hard locking me.


Hey v1Real! You have a really interesting retro style! would you like to collaborate?